About Me

Jazzenay photo

My name is Nadine Martin. I go by my artistic alias, Jazzenay, which came about because of my love for jazz music, especially smooth jazz.  It’s a play on Jazz and Nay, which is mostly what people call me.  You know how people shorten a name the way Clarice becomes Clare or Janet becomes Jan.  You get the picture.  Anyhoo.  I like the name Jazzenay because it not only reflects my love of jazz music but it’s about the kind of vibe that jazz instills in me. I find smooth jazz quite stimulating, so I like listening to it especially when I’m creating my artwork. So, I decided, it was the perfect name for me because jazz influences my mood for creativity.

I consider myself a self-taught artist.  I’ve always had a longing to create art.  As a child I always liked to draw.   It was not until I became an adult that I wanted to explore painting.  I began to practice painting through watching videos and reading books to enhance my skills. I took on painting as a challenge and to open myself up to the world of color which I find so fascinating.   And you know how life sometimes get in the way of things? I allowed my artistic journey to be interrupted.  Marriage at the young age of 19, then motherhood, divorce, single parenting, and a plethora of other things in life pushed my passion for art into the background.   I am now a senior woman! Whew! Where did the time go?  After retirement and no one to take care of but myself, I heard the call of art coming in a whole lot louder and clearer with no other distractions interfering.  So, art became my focus.  Now here I am, creating artwork to share with the world.

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